Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Sunday Funday

There was a Sunday in June that we met the Thraen's at the winery in Cambridge. They had a nice patio area to sit outside and the kids could run wild. We brought the red ball to play with and Caleb brought a bucket of dinosaurs. They ended up loading up the bucket rocks and then emptying the bucket. Cheap entertainment :) Oh, and they had good wine (always important). 

We had to leave the winery because the kiddos were tired so we both went home. We put Addison down for a nap and went out to the deck with a bottle of wine in an ice bucket. 

It was pretty nice out so Ryan put on his bro-tank. We had to send this picture to Jason, he introduced Ryan to the bro-tank. 

Addison woke up and we weren't ready to go inside, so we got the pool out. We got out the lawn chairs and turned on some music. In the picture on the right, she was pointing at the moon. She went through a phase (a long one) of being obsessed with moon. She would get so excited whenever she saw it.

She wanted to relax like Mom & Dad. 

Ryan needed to cool off too. Too bad I didn't get a video of him jumping in with her, it was quite humorous as he didn't realize how slippery the bottom was...... 

I assure you, neither of us sit like this in our lawn chairs! ha! 

Family photo - and yes Ryan and I have some very small classes with some clear liquid. As I said, it was Sunday Funday! Addison had grapes and chex mix :)

As I was cleaning up the yard, I walked by the basement door and saw Addison watching me. She might be laughing here but she wasn't real happy we made her go inside. 

While I was cleaning up outside, Ryan was inside making supper. Or so I thought. I came inside and found a football player in my kitchen - ha! We had gone to the ISU Athletics sale the day before and we were there towards the end of the sale so they started reducing prices. We bought some football and basketball jerseys for $25 (we were pretty proud of our buy). We bought jerseys for each of the boys for Christmas and then of course 2 for us as well. Ryan would probably argue the jersey looks better on him than hanging in the case - ha! 

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