Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Playing in the rain

I took a few days off work to spend with Addison before she started at her new school. We were running errands in Ankeny and I promised Addison we would go play at a park. I noticed some dark clouds rolling in so I figured we better hurry. We got to the park and got on the swings before it started raining. We were there maybe 3 minutes. The parking lot isn't terribly close to where the swings are, so we got a little wet. And by "a little" I mean we had to change clothes when we got home. Here is photo evidence of our unsuccessful park trip - ha! 

Addison spent the day with Grandma Rita and they lucked out that there was a summer kick-off party at the park next to her house. Addison patiently waited in line and got a Cy balloon animal. 

And they had free Tropical Snow at the party. She had never had it before, but I decided to let her try it. She of course thought it was pretty tasty. I asked for a little bit but they filled the whole cup. I was a mean mom and didn't let her eat it all :) 

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