Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Como Park - Part II

Boy these 3 sure do take good pictures! 

This one is one of my favorites of them. We were in front of the flamingo/duck exhibit at the zoo. 

We went to a diner for lunch after the zoo. They were supposed to have amazing milkshakes. They had onion rings as a side dish. We had to order them - Addison used to watch Bubble Guppies and there is an episode about birds/animals. The guppies tell each other what they have for lunch and Nonny has "onion wings". Addison cracked up - ha! 

Addison thought she could beat Parker at his hockey game. The board lights up and you need to put the puck where the light is. Addison thought she won but I'm pretty sure Parker did :)

We also got to go see Parker play baseball. It had been a really long time since we saw him play. Makena went with so her and Addison went to the park so we actually go to watch Parker play.

We left mid-morning the next day and Addison was exhausted. It was a fun weekend! 

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