Thursday, January 23, 2020

First Day at Bloom

At the beginning of June, Addison started her new school (Bloom Early Learning). I was looking forward to and dreading this day all at the same time. I never understood why moms were sad when a kid was growing up, becoming more independent, and starting new adventures. I mean, we want our kids to grow up and survive on their own someday, right?? Why is it sad when it happens? I get it now!! Starting at this center was way harder than I ever imagined...... (I'm tearing up just thinking about it now, 6 months later). 

We started on a Monday and that was the longest week ever. Each day got worse and worse. Addison was crying at drop off (which I did), saying "please don't leave me" and at night when Ryan would pick her up, she would say "I'm all done at that school, I'm going to Shannon's tomorrow". Talk about heart-breaking. On Friday that week, as we walked into school Addison had silent tears. I started crying in the classroom with her. Normally I got back to the car before the tears came, not that day! It was awful. I was heart-broken. I cried the whole way to work that day and told Ryan I couldn't do drop off anymore. 

On Wednesdays, Addison got to take her own sack lunch and they would take a walk outside and eat a picnic lunch. She was SO EXCITED. One of the hardest things for us at this new school was that we felt like we got no info. We picked her up and they would say "She had a good day!" Uh, yea right. She was crying when I dropped her off and she tells me she doesn't eat anything or drink any water. How is that a good day?! 

I was also struggling because she was the little fish in the big sea. I was worried she would get in trouble because she doesn't know the rules or she wouldn't eat anything because no one is telling her to. As an only child and going to a small daycare, she had a lot of attention before! At Shannon's we got a detailed sheet each day of what she ate and how much, when she napped and when she went potty. We got NOTHING from this new place. It was hard (and still is!). I called my mom almost every day for support. If I had any 'off' feelings about the teachers, I wouldn't have dropped her off, but I felt okay about the teachers. It took about a month before she told us that she liked her school. But it finally happened! And now, 6 months later, she does enjoy her school.....but she also looks forward to Friday and Saturday when we stay home with her :) 

This was her celebration after going down the slide by herself. 

We were watching a Nerf gun war at an event downtown. She loved running around and picking up the arrows but didn't want to give them back to the game. 

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