Friday, January 31, 2020

Night at the Pool

There was a Sunday night in June that our church rented out a pool in Ankeny and let members come to the pool for free. We hadn't been to an aquatic center so we thought it was the perfect opportunity.

You can't tell in the pictures, but it wasn't exactly 'hot' that day. In fact, I was quite cold! But Addison didn't seem to care much in the beginning.

She did good going down the baby slide that lands in the water. Again, this was our first time taking her to an aquatic center so we weren't sure how she would do. We talked that night about how we need to go more often so she likes the water. Guess what? We never went again that summer. Ha!

Her teeth were chattering but she managed a smile. She was pretty determined she needed to go do the activities for the big kids. No idea why she thought that as we know she would be scared once she got there. She refused to let go of our hands and even wanted carried most of the time. But she was pretty persistent! We are going to start swimming lessons soon, so maybe next summer she will be more adventurous in the pool!

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