Saturday, January 25, 2020

Bondurant Summer Fest

Addison says "Hey Mom, look at me" Apparently it's something she learned at her new school while eating her apple. 

It was Bondurant's Summer Fest and they had a parade. So we walked up the block and waited for the parade. The term "parade" is loosely used in Bondurant. It's not much of a parade, but there are some entries that do throw candy. Addison is pretty excited about picking up candy but we have to convince her to step off the curb. Guess that's a good problem to have! 

Then next night of Summer Fest, we walked downtown to see what was going on. They have a bunch of carny rides and food booths. Funnel Cakes are my favorite and I never get them, so I told Ryan this year we were actually buying one :) We had told Addison we were getting one. She had no idea what it was, but she is pretty mad that she didn't get her own plate. We figured it would be easier to split it so we went back to the booth to get an extra plate and they wouldn't give us one! Little ridiculous but oh well.  

We finally got a half smile out of her. Once she started eating it with us, her mood improved (but doesn't a funnel cake make everyone happy??) We then walked around the carnival for a little while. Addison was completely freaked out by Cubbie Bear so we spent most of the time avoiding him - ha!

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