Saturday, January 4, 2020

Grandpa Ron's 70th Birthday

We had an impromptu Julius gathering Memorial Day weekend. Landon & Nicole wanted to come up so we could see baby Nolan, and so then we called Grandpa Ron & Grandma Rita. Then Kelly & Tracey. We ended up getting the whole family except Hugh & Conner in Ames. Hugh & Conner went fishing in northern Minnesota but Tracey & Addison decided they would rather see baby Nolan. Good choice.

Addison & Kelly - Addison was pretty excited to see everyone. 

This girl was in 7th heaven meeting her newest cousin! She had to wait a long two months to see Nolan. 

And this girl was super excited! She wanted to hold him so bad! 

I love this one - she's saying "he's so cute" 

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