Monday, December 31, 2018

Good times in the fall

My cousin Alecia posted this picture of my dad and uncle and I thought Addison would like it when she got older. When you grow up on a farm and see this every day, you don't think to take photos! My dad and Gary have farmed together for many many years and this might be the only farm-related photo of these two that we have! I'm glad my cousin likes photos as much as I do :) 

It was the last time mowing for the season and Addison wanted to help Ryan clear off the sidewalk. She did a pretty good job. 

Addison was wearing one of Addison's hand-me down Halloween outfits. I thought she made a pretty cute kitty, ha! 

Another good video of Addy-Lion. Ryan and I would chase her around telling her we were going to "get her tail". Then the tables turned and she would chase us saying "I get your tail!!" It was hilarious and super cute. If you pay close attention, you can hear her say "I get your tail!". 

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I loved that photo. They both grumbled, but secretly I think they both loved it!
