Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Parker's birthday, 6 months late

Parker turned 10 in March and we had no idea for birthday gifts. So Kelly said a weekend with us would be a great gift. Parker was supposed to come spend a weekend with us in the summer and do something fun, but somehow the schedules never worked out. So in October the Prescotts came to Iowa before hockey geared up for the next 5 months. 

So we went to Hickory Park and I told them it was Parker's birthday. He was pretty excited for that ice cream sundae :) 

Then we went to an ISU hockey game. 

Addison loved watching the zamboni. 

Bad part was, once we took Addison down to the ice she didn't want to go back up to our seats! 

She refused to keep her coat on but she loves her hat and mittens! She also loved playing with her beanie baby penguin and her squishy Cy (not pictured). It was a good night, I wish we made it to more hockey games! 

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