Monday, December 10, 2018

Ready for a swim??

Again, can't believe I'm posting pictures of sun and green grass when it's 20 degrees and everything is brown! 

Addison really enjoyed the pool the few times we got it out. We should have gotten it out more but we didn't plan our days out very well. We need to fill it up and let it sit so the water warms up! 

There is nothing more adorable than a two year old in a bathing suit!! 

She actually enjoyed the sprinkler this time! She loved it. It would spray her right square in the face and she didn't care. She just laughed. We were also impressed that she ran around barefoot. She used to HATE the feeling of grass. She couldn't move if she stepped on the grass with no shoes, ha! 

I didn't post the pictures but she also made Ryan run through the sprinkler. He kept trying to tell her that he didn't have his swimming suit on like her, but she didn't care :) Can't wait to do this again next summer!

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