Thursday, December 20, 2018


I wanted to get her dressed up in her adorable Halloween outfit and take pictures with her pumpkins and Casper. This is how that went. Ha! 

In desperation, we thought letting her take pictures of us would help. The whole "taking turns" aspect.

I will let you think it was that easy. :) But in reality, it was about 10 minutes of us bouncing around and begging for a smile. These super cute pictures were a lot of work, but totally worth it!!
These pumpkins are ones that Brayden and Grandpa Ron planted. The smaller one has Addison's name carved in it. Also, note that Casper is holding Addison's rags. Haha!

Then we went to the Bondurant Pumpkin Patch. It was pretty chilly that day. We went right when it opened and we were about the only ones there. 

Corn pit was a hit this year! And it was nice because it was slightly warmer in the grain bin. The cold only seemed to bother me and Ryan, Addison kept wanting to take her coat off.

And of course, I tried to get a picture on our way to the jumping mat. Someone was not having it. haha! I haven't compared this picture to last year, but on our ruler at home she grows about 2 inches every 6 months. It's been really consistent since she was 6 months old. 

More pumpkin patch next time!  

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