Monday, December 3, 2018


We got a kickball for Addison's birthday and we play "soccer" in the driveway. We worked on our kicking skills this summer/fall and she is doing pretty good! 

She even does pretty good kicking it on the move. We will kick it to her and she can kick it right back with it moving. 

So this shows you just how far behind I am on posting.... these photos were from the day of the ISU/Iowa Football game. We were doing some errands in Ankeny and we thought since Addison was being so good (and we wanted her to take a long nap so we could watch the game) we would stop by the park. We drove by a popular donut place in town called Daylight donuts so we swung by and picked up a few. They even had some ISU donuts left for us. They were pretty good, but no Casey's. Addy was happy as a clam anyway!

Had to take a picture on game day in our Cy shirt. 

And we worked hard on "Go Cyclones!" and finally got it. Not a great video as we had already made her say it a bunch of times - ha! I told her she had to say it before she could look at pictures of herself on my phone. :) 

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