Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Potty Training

Starting at the beginning of September, we started thinking about potty training. Ryan was ready before I was (which surprised me). Fall is super busy for me, so I didn't really want the stress of potty training along with that. But when we started looking at the calendar, we didn't have many weekends before Christmas that we could dedicate 4 days to potty training. So we set a date and started reading up on how to potty train!

We started out the first day with throwing away her diapers. She was actually "excited" about it and was saying "no more diapers!". 

We read a lot of books while she sat on the potty, at one point during the day she set Scout on the potty and read him a book - ha! We started out the first day going naked from the waste down. We watched her like a hawk and when she started to go, we ran her to the potty. That first morning, she actually told us before she had to go. We were shocked! 

She was pretending to sleep. She thought she was pretty funny. :) 

Then we put pants on. We had a couple accidents that day but she did pretty good then too. It was hard to have 4 days cooped up in the house, but we still entertained each other. We played some hide and see. We needed to get creative with new hiding spots..... Ryan squeezed between the couch and the wall.We thought he might get stuck, but he made it out - ha! 

We had to document with the photo above.... for the kid who doesn't require a ton of sleep, it's unusual for her to just fall asleep randomly. This was the 4th day of potty training and she fell asleep watching Bubble Guppies. 

The photo above was not potty training weekend, but still on subject. We were digging out our winter clothes and she got super excited about her hat and gloves. She insisted on wearing them! 

Potty training was a success, and way way way easier than either Ryan or I expected. We did night training at the same time and she caught on with that within 2 weeks and no accidents since. She had one accident at daycare and that's been it. She tells us when she has to go and is able to hold it until she gets there. She says "Mom Poop!!" when she has to go potty. I don't particularly love that, I would prefer she say "potty" instead..... especially in church! But at least she tells us :) Ha! 

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