Saturday, December 8, 2018

Addison!! Where are you???

Addison learned hide and seek this fall. And she is obsessed! She gets so excited to play. She will cover her eyes and count to ten (or twenty if we need more time). She tries to yell "ready or not here I come!" It's pretty funny. I can't say no to her because she loves it so much. So we have been late a few mornings due to hide and seek :) 

She gets really excited when hiding and can't contain herself. I don't have a video but if you say "Addison.... where are you??" she yells "Right here Mom!" - it's hilarious and pretty cute. 

She is counting then says "ready or not comin" Then she says "hmmm..." when she looks for Ryan. Hope you like Ryan's creative hiding spot, we run out of out ideas and had already been playing for at least 10 minutes by the time I recorded it! She will always hide where you hid or she will tell you where to hide. But when she tells you where to hide, she pretends like she doesn't know. It's pretty funny. Then sometimes she sees you, but pretends not to so the game lasts longer. She's pretty creative! 

Tried to get a picture of her and Conner on game day. She loves playing with Conner! 

Oh how I wish we were wearing shorts and flip flops today! It was 20 degrees outside. She was so excited to be going to play outside. She gave me a "thumbs up" - ha!

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