Sunday, April 29, 2018

Mom & Addy

Found some more on Ryan's phone. Mom & Addy don't have many photos together but here are a couple. The one on the left, I was actually sitting on the couch (doesn't happen often!) and she wanted to sit with me. Although she doesn't appear happy, I think she was - ha! 

Addison is learning the meaning of "Can you get me a pop (or beer)?" She knows to go to the fridge and she does pretty good about getting us the right item. She knows Ryan drinks the blue cans (Pepsi) and I drink the green/white cans (Diet Dew). She loves re-stocking the fridge too. 

FINALLY getting her to drink out of a different sippy cup. We usually do water in these cups and finally tried milk to see if she would drink it. It took LOTS of trying and convincing (weeks of it) and finally got her to try it. She will drink out of the other cups sometimes, but usually throws a fit for her regular cup. 

She had ate a ton one night and then wanted a snack right at bedtime. Ryan thought she was just trying to delay bedtime, so he told her she could have a carrot. We gave Kelly a hard time because that's what she would always give Parker for a bedtime snack. What a rotten bedtime snack, at least give Parker some dip for it!! haha! So we joked about it that night and gave her a carrot. She liked it. It made her happy. ha! 

This was in March, it was a little chilly but nice enough to get outside to the park! We have had a very long, cold winter. Usually in February/March there are some warmer days sprinkled in. Last February it was almost 70 one day. Not this year!! :(  It's the very end of April and it's just starting to warm up! Grandpa Ron just got in the field yesterday! 

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Just kidding, not done yet. San Diego Post #12

 Just kidding, found a few more photos from San Diego on Ryan's phone.

She's one cool cat in Dad's shades :) This kid makes me laugh!

Well she may have missed it but we did get to see the Red Panda. I probably liked the lady with the bowls better, but I guess this red panda was pretty cool too.

In the background, you can see the Panda. She likes to say "Panda bear" or try to at least. I'm said she missed it. We should have went back after she woke up, not sure why we didn't think of that! 

I remember this scene as me reading to both kids....but apparently I wasn't. haha!

Picking sock fuzzies again :) 

She was 'calling' Grandpa to ask about J.J. We had to go a whole 5 days without calling Grandpa to see our dogs! 

At the beach where all the seals were. It was very windy! 

Mom & Addy at one of the cliffs. 

Okay, now I think we are done with the San Diego trip! 

Thursday, April 26, 2018

San Diego Post #11

This might be the only cat Addison will ever have a chance to have a photo with, so I figured we better do it! She has some books with some kitties so she yelled "kitty!" whenever she saw Murray.

Being silly :) Enjoying the last of the play time before we had to go home. 

I just got these off Ryan's phone, so a little out of order. These two photos were the first night we were in San Diego. Addison was not pleased with Garrett on my lap so she had to join him! She kept nudging him in attempts to get him off my lap!

We were at a park in Coronado, they clearly had a good time. 

Early morning chat with Garrett. 

Playing in Nolan's big kid 

The flight phone went well - this is how she slept for a good part of it. We didn't get a photo of it, but the day before we left Addison had her first donut. We tried not to give her one, but she had to copy Nolan :) No surprise, she loved it! There was extras so we packed one in our bag for the airport. When I brought it out, she squealed and jumped and down. ha! So the donut gave us a good start to the morning! 

Found another photo op on the way out of the airport. She loves airplanes now. We hear any kind of vehicle from inside the house and she says "airplane?" We usually say "No, truck." but sometimes I just say "Yup, airplane." Just to make her happy :) She loves looking for them on walks or in the car now. 

It was a good trip to San Diego and we were grateful for Brad and Lori to host us and take us to some of the tourist spots that I know they have seen a hundred times! 

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

San Diego Post #10

Yup we took a ton of photos on our trip! Still not done yet......

Racing down the slide..... Team Lents won!! Ha :) 

Funny looking tree in the cactus park.

Tuckered out after lots of playing. 

Family photo at the seal beach. We thought it was pretty cool, but we couldn't really get Addison to see the seals. They wouldn't move and were just lumps on the rocks. We did see a few move that she might have seen. 

We stopped at a spot where they do lots of wedding ceremonies, we thought it was a perfect photo opportunity. 

Smiling kids! 

We were in La Jolla at a war memorial (if I remember correctly).

One of Addison's favorite past-times. Picking sock fuzzies out of her toes! It makes her so happy, haha! :) If she's cranky, just pull her socks off and tell her to pick the lint. I have no idea why her socks leave so much but they do and we are okay with that! haha!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

San Diego Post #9

I actually managed to get some good photos of Addison with the bubbles! 

Baby Garrett! Addison loved sitting next to him. She also kept reminding him that he's a "baby".

All three kids! Addison and Nolan thought it was pretty funny to lay next to Garrett. And we had to get a photo with Aunt Lori as well!

We needed a photo with the pirate ship :) 

 We visited a park our last day in San Diego. There was a couple slides that Addison really enjoyed. Her little shoes no longer looked new after this day, she kept trying to run too fast and kept falling down!

Who is a better surfer, Dad or Addy??