Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Thraen's

We got together one Saturday morning to see the Thraen's new house and play with Caleb. 

I was pretty unsuccessful at getting them both to look at me :) 

They did play well together. Addison loved that she could run a circle in the kitchen, living room, and entry way. She loves being chased! 

The kids enjoyed the pancakes and eggs! Lauren is a terrific cook!

Lauren's step-dad make a rocking horse for Caleb. Addison crawled in all by herself and started rocking. She's saying "weeeeee....."

Clearly, Addison was not into having her photo taken. I was trying to get her and Bella together. Addison wasn't so sure about Bella following her and sniffing her :) 

A hug goodbye - but not for long! We are so happy to have our friends back in Iowa so we can get together more often! 

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