Sunday, March 25, 2018

Videos from January

We can't get enough of her saying "get down" :) We think it's pretty funny. I had to stand off to the side because if she sees me with my phone she gets distracted. 

I was putting her in the car one day and we were practicing names. She had tried to say Parker, Brayden, Roo (for conner) and Kena (for Makena). I was so excited so I pulled my phone out to try to get it on video. It wasn't what I wanted, but still pretty funny :)

I'm not sure how we got into this game one night, but she was having a blast climbing on Ryan and jumping up and down. I tried to get some good videos. She loves to climb on Ryan and now I taught her how to play 'airplane' so she always wants to do that with me. 

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