Monday, March 12, 2018

New boots

She loves to wear my shoes, but she took this to a whole new level. She worked very hard and was able to get my snow boots on. I was quite impressed. Walking was another story.....

She is licking the spatula....she sees her dad do that when I'm baking :) I thought it was pretty funny. 

Kid loves playing with her water bottles. And the shaker bottles with the little wire ball. She knows how to put lids on the bottles but sometimes needs help getting the lids back off. She will hand you a bottle and say "help please". 

Addison LOVES her "The Very First Christmas" book I got on super clearance at Hobby Lobby. I almost didn't buy it because I wasn't sure if she would like it, but I needed a little more for her for Christmas. I'm so glad I bought it!! It has labels next to almost all the figures (like fish, camel, donkey, Jesus, broom, coal, etc). So we list about 15 things on each page that she has to find. Her favorite is the page with 4 owls :) Even if you ask her to find the pig, she points out the owls. She loves owls right now! 

She's laying all her rags in a pile and flattening them out. Yesterday, she laid her rag flat then lined up 5 dice in a row. I love watching her line things up and 'organize'. 

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