Sunday, March 11, 2018

Baby Violet!!

This was back in January, I invited myself to the Nolting's to meet baby Violet! Oh she is such a sweetheart. I was so happy to get some baby snuggles :) 

Addison was pushing her baby stroller around the living room with some rags and a spoon. My caption would be "Mom-brain.......oops I forgot the baby!" 

As I was getting out my new photo backdrops from Christmas, Ryan asked if I need to take some test shots. 

Haha look at those wide eyes!! We should have someone recording me and Ryan when we take photos of Addison, her wide eyes are probably because of something stupid we are doing :)

Giving her baby a kiss. 

Poor little girl had a fever again. This time she recovered pretty quickly though. It's always hard to see her sick :( 

Grandma Rita has made her a few scrapbooks - She LOVES to look through them!! She loves to point out the people. She's also been really into my Shutterfly books. She loves the one Kelly made us from our birthday trip to CA. There is a photo in there with Addison next to a mural of Olaf from Frozen. At the time, we didn't really know the movie but now we do! She squealed when she turned the page and saw Olaf :) 

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