Thursday, March 15, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day!

This was the best photo I could get, she wouldn't stand still! She made a butterfly with handprints at daycare and it says "you make my heart flutter". She kept making it flap it's wings so I couldn't get a good photo! Plus she is carrying her blanket and all her rags, that didn't help! 

She was excited to open her valentine's present from Shannon and the kids at daycare. She of course wanted us to open everything, even though she didn't know what the candy was. Can you believe she's almost 2 and hasn't had M&M's?? 

Grandma Rita gave more than just a cookie but that's apparently all we took photos of! We got a couple pairs of new jammies plus a super awesome penguin with buckles. Addison loves to play with buckles! But not more than she loves frosted cookies! She definitely knows what these are!!

Her an Ryan were sharing this cookie, but then it got down to the last couple bites and Addison took a HUGE bite. She wanted to make sure her dad didn't finish it I guess. Her mouth was so full she couldn't chew!! When Ryan saw the cookies in the basket, he said "You aren't giving these to her are you?" I said "Well my mom made them for her, of course she can have it". I'm not sure if he was worried about our daughter's sugar in-take or if he wanted them all to himself!! She knew where we kept the others and kept begging for them :) She is definitely our kid. 

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