Monday, March 5, 2018

Addy's 'mark'

It's the first week in March and my photos are about a month behind. I was going to try to catch up on posts this past weekend but our internet was down. Oh well :) 

I love watching Addison and wondering how her mind works. She loves to "organize" or sort items. When she gets to play with her colors, she dumps then out and then puts them back in the box (now we have a bag as the box was destroyed). Then she dumps them back out again. She may lay them out side by side. Then we count them. Or try to find certain colors. Very rarely does she use them to color on a piece of paper right now :) I would like to say my kid so talented that she stood them up in the photo above, but she didn't. Although she tries to. She likes things to be a certain way (hmmm...wonder where she got that from) 

The blur in the photo above is a ball. When you tell her to "get ready" when playing catch, she squats like a catcher. We don't know why. We have been working hard on our catching and throwing. 

I took this photo above because it was a playoff football game and down to the last few seconds, a real nail-biter, and Addison INSISTED Ryan read her a book. I was sitting right there, she rarely takes a book to Ryan when I'm there. I think she was testing him :) He claims he had the book memorized so he could still watch the game - ha! Kid does love to read the same books over and over again. Her thing right now is making you repeat the same book 3 or 4 times in a row. I don't know why it bugs me but it drives me crazy!! 

Bath time! Begin wintertime, we don't see the "Addy-mark" aka birthmark as much. But I wanted to take photos, it's really lightening up. And it doesn't protrude like it used to. And I would like to mention that Addison does have 2 bath toys now, an octopus Cousin Erin so kindly bought her (the pieces are floating in the picture) and a squirting star fish. She doesn't love or hate bath time. She doesn't fight us at all. She thinks it's so fun to run around upstairs and make you chase her to take her clothes off. And she loves to splash and make a mess (she loves to say "mess"). She stays in one spot (surprisingly). No flips in the tub like her buddy Henry!
I don't remember if it was the same days as the photos, but around that time, she discovered her birthmark for the first time. She calls it her "owie". We think it's funny :) If you ask her where her owie is, she immediately tries to show you her arm. We do correct her and say "It's your birthmark" and she replies "mark??" haha!

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