Friday, December 29, 2017

Lents Thanksgiving

I was probably cleaning (don't remember for sure), and I looked in the living room (because she was quiet) and found the scene above. One of her baskets of books is next to the couch and she was reading some books. The kid loves to be read to and read by herself. I hope that continues! 

I may stage a lot of photos, but not this one! I was getting out Christmas decor and she put on the Iowa State hat and climbed on her tractor. We thought it was hilarious! 

We went to Ryan's aunt Ginny's for Thanksgiving, and she has lots of kitties! Addison hasn't really seen kitties in person, from what I know, so this was new. Her "meow" is hilarious, it sounds like an angry kitty. She could have stood by Ginny's door all day......

Travis loves to play with Addison. He followers her around and tries to entertain her. He was going in for a hug in the photo above, I missed the actual hug. It's super cute though! 

Travis was showing her how the toy works. He's 4 years old but plays SO well with her! He's like a protective big brother :) 

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