Thursday, December 28, 2017

Silly girl

Back in November, we were trying on our new Christmas jammies :) 

I have no idea why, but she loves this little house with a door. Shannon has one at daycare, then we saw one at Duckworth Wearing in Ankeny. She was SO excited. I thought I was going to have to buy it to get her out of the store! 

I was working in the kitchen and turned around to see this. She was SO proud of herself. It was an empty tub so I'm glad it didn't tip over on her. 

We were waiting for weight watchers to open so I could weigh in, so we went to Duluth Trading. She loved running around that store. Of course I made her pose for a picture on the tractor. 

She was helping me get out Christmas decor and decorate. She loved having all the tubs in the kitchen to pull things out of and to climb on! 

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