Monday, December 11, 2017

The Pumpkin Patch

I'm going to catch up one of these days! I just got back from Germany and now at home with a sick kiddo, so I thought I would see if I could get a few posts done while we are watching Curious George and Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood :) 

We have a pumpkin patch close to our house in Bondurant. I finally convinced Ryan to go one weekend in October, Addison had a blast! One of their sheds has a giant jump pad. She wasn't too sure what to think at first, she just sat and watched the craziness.

 Then she started to stand up and walk a little, then realized how fun the pad was. It was fun to watch her try to jump. She struggles on solid ground, the jump pad was even harder! But she had fun!

Does the ponytail count?? 

She had recently started holding our hands, she is growing up so fast! 

She tried to ride the bull but it was hard because her feet didn't touch the ground. Maybe next year! There was also trikes to ride, a corn pit (she had no interest), a giant slide and a bunch of other things to do. We tried to go on the playground but she was going to get run over. 

 She loved running through the pumpkins. She had to touch them as she ran by. I told her to sit down next to one to take a photo, and she sat on it instead. We didn't buy any, I'm not sure who would pay for pumpkins :) We had ours from Grandpa Ron, and my aunt LuAnn gave us a bunch of little ones.

Happy girl! It was a good trip to the pumpkin patch, it will be even more fun next year! 

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