Saturday, December 30, 2017

Dear Santa,

Although the photos may disagree, Addison really WAS a good girl this year! 

We like to go to Bass Pro the week of Thanksgiving as there is no line and they don't mind taking multiple photos for us. Addison was REALLY mad at me that night! I had to peal her off me and put her on Santa's lap. It was very traumatic for both of us. ha! She would only go to Ryan after this. 

But we quickly made Addison happy by visiting the giant fish tank in Bass Pro. It did take her a minute, but she soon warmed up quick and wanted down to look at the fish up close. There were some big ugly fish in that tank.

 She could hardly take her eyes off the fish long enough to look at me for a photo!

Everyone needs the crying Santa picture, however, I would have settled for a few big tears without the wailing and screaming! ha! We will see how she does next year! 

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