Saturday, December 23, 2017

The rest of the 18 month photos

I love this one. Well I love all of them, but really love this one. I was pretty proud of myself for her outfits this go around. I did it all by myself. haha :) 

 She LOVED these gold shoes and asks to put them on whenever she sees them.

 She was watching the leaves fall. From my hands. haha. I'm not sure how Destri didn't get me in the photos, I was standing above her dropping leaves down.

This one shows her personality - such a happy fun little girl! 

Some 18 month happenings:
Words: Says mom, dad, hi, bye (while waving), woof, moo, neigh, meow(it's a funny meow), all done (while waving her arm to signal), night night
Weight: 22 pounds
Height: 27 in I think, I need to double check that one. 
Sleeps: 8:45pm to 5-6:30am. Naps once a day around 2 hours. 
Books: Loves Shoe-La-La, Hop on Pop, Peppa Pig's My Mommy, Dr. Suess's ABC, and Little Blue Truck. We read the same books over and over! 
Food: Addison has become more of a picky eater than she used to be. She loves pickles, pasta, chips (especially Doritos), tater tots, chicken, bananas, cheese sticks, pizza. No longer eats cheese slices, or cinnamon bread. Won't try things as easily as she used to and just generally doesn't eat as much. She also just licks the peanut butter off instead of eating the sandwich! 

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