Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Happy Halloween!

We had a little dragon at Halloween this year - ha! It was a great costume, thanks to Grandma Rita for finding it at TJ's. Addison loved it! Whenever we put it on her, she got excited. The hood didn't bother her at all. It was pretty cold on Beggar's Night, so we opted to stay inside and hand out candy instead.

She's running to the door to give kids candy. Most kids weren't patient enough to wait for her to hand them candy, they took it from me instead. 

It's hard to read, but that's Addison pumpkin with her name on it. She loved sorting the candy, she probably spent 2 hours playing with the candy that night. The Nerds made noise, so they were great. 

Posing with her pumpkin. 

We were trying to get her to roar like a dragon - she tried! 

It did take her a few times to get used to kids coming to her door, but eventually she sat there waiting for them. One kid said "oh that's a kid, I thought it was a dog" haha! We got to see Crosby from daycare, but he had only been there a week or so, so she didn't recognize him. We also saw Carly who had recently left, it was exciting to see her. 

She was so content sorting and playing with the candy! It was also funny, when the parents would tell their kids "Say thank you", Addison would say "thank you!" Most people couldn't hear her but Ryan and I thought it was hilarious! Maybe next year we will take her out, but it was not necessary this year! 

The rest of the pictures were not from Halloween night, but another night where we put the costume on to get her used to it. It wasn't necessary, she loved it! 

The dragon bouncing on the donkey was quite a site! haha! 

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