Thursday, July 6, 2017

You like crushed chips, right?

One of Addison's most favorite places to play, the pantry! Where the chips are at her level. We are pretty sure she has a 6th sense when the door isn't completely shut, she comes running. She has smashed a few bags of chips :) 

Again, a crazy hair day! 

She is facinated by shoes and likes to try to put them on. Then she carries my shoes around the house. 

We finally said if you aren't going to drink out of a sippy cup, you need to hold your own bottle! 

We went to Hickory Park one day, I asked for a few pickles for Addison and they brought her a side dish of pickles! She did eat a little chicken too, but mostly pickles.

And a happy girl in her goofy hat. We bought this hat at a garage sale before we went to CA. She wouldn't keep it on very long, but at .50 it wasn't a big deal! 

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