Thursday, July 20, 2017

The Lents Weekend

Grandpa Dale, Grandma Evonne, Addison & Nolan at the I-Cubs game. 

We had a really nice Lents family get together at the Macksburg church. These are all the Lents great-grandchildren that were present - From left to right: Remson, Nolan, Addison, Ally (in the back), Veronica holding Kenny, and Travis. I'm so impressed they all sat still! We were missing Ethan, Gavin, and Boyden. 

Kenny & Addison - Kenny is 6 months older than Addison. He has 3 older siblings and he tried his hardest to keep up with them running around that park! 

We gained Boyden so we took another photo - Addison, Ally, Remsen, Veronica holding Boyden, Travis, Kenny and Nolan! 

Lents children/grandchildren with Grandpa Don

Wanted to take an immediate family photo - pretty sure this is the first one since Addison was born! And next year when Brad & Lori have a little one, we will have to take another one! 

We love Aunt Cathy!! 

Children in the corn :) I have more photos, we will save those for next time! 

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