Tuesday, July 18, 2017

A few more videos

Again, I'm little behind - this video was from the weekend in May where she started walking across the room. We were mostly happy and a little sad.....only because I knew how much harder life would be with a walker!! It's been two months now and I just said to Ryan last night "Do you feel like all we say is 'no'? 'No shut the door, no don't touch that, no put that back', etc" haha! 

Love this one - I was in class again and Ryan & Addison played peek-a-boo. She loves watching herself in this one! 

Well don't mind the video from bed, and a kid with insane hair. I ended up with a stomach bug after vacation and we didn't have daycare the same day. Ryan left for work and said "good luck!" - ha! It was a rough day. But I was trying to caption Addison's first real word - "ball". It was so funny how she said it! I don't think Addison got dressed all day....... and I had to go to my last night of class that night! 

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