Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Fun at the Park

First time in her "new" car seat! She was probably 13 months old before we got around to changing it. She's checking herself out in the mirror. She likes to make faces at herself a lot. She's still facing backwards for now. We will see how long that lasts.....

Usually she flips the book right-side up, but she is so good she read the whole book upside down :) 

First time going down a slide! We did it a couple times and she didn't show any emotion. 

 But the swings, she LOVED. She was laughing and having a good time. There was another little girl at the park that was talking to her and she loved that too. She thinks little kids are hilarious.

She liked this slide better. 

And tried to climb up the slide right away. She has a little slide at daycare that she always tries to climb up backwards. She actually fell and bit through her lip on the slide at daycare. Clearly, that did not deter her! 

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