Thursday, July 13, 2017

First Baseball Game

Ryan's mom's company had an I-Cubs night with a picnic and tickets to the game. It worked out perfect because Ryan's brother's family got into town that afternoon! In the photo above, Addison was trying to drag her backpack around the picnic area. 

Took this photo for a guy in my group at school. He's a big cubbies fan and is a project manager at Principal - thought it was perfect! 

I think Lori has a better one of Dale, Evonne, Nolan and Addison, but this was the best I had. 

First family baseball game. Figured we should try out Des Moines before Chicago. And it turned out to be a good idea......

Addison chose seat #17, mainly because it was in between me and Ryan, but we sent it to Brayden as it's his guy's number (Kris Bryant). Even though her smile is goofy. So we made it through about 3 batters before we had to get up and go run around the picnic area. We thought she would be more entertained by the people around her but nope. Didn't care at all! Ha! 

I will have to post more photos of the family weekend, apparently I didn't take any! So I have to hunt some down :) 

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