Monday, July 17, 2017

Do a Little Dance

Here is the video from Addison's birthday. She was doing the one-arm dance to her Justin Beaver. And yes, she is sitting on the island counter at Grandma Rita's :)

And another dancing video...don't mind the outfit, had a little blow-out that day. I could watch her dance all day long! 

And in case you didn't get enough, here is another one. I like how she stops for a second when she sees my phone, but decides to keep going anyways! She never gets tired of these toys. "I want candy" and "Lollipop" are playing as I type this! 

And this is her Red Panda video. I posted about her balancing cups on her feet a few weeks ago. Here is the video of her doing it. We thought she was funny. We might be the only ones....

1 comment:

  1. Nolan has been loving all the Addison videos. Her red panda and peekaboo have been making him laugh so hard!
