Saturday, July 1, 2017

My little buddies

We called this success :) We had Henry, Addison, and Henry all sitting still. Shortly after this, my kid started crying and trying to climb off the couch. We learned we need to take the photos earlier in the night! Lauren and Caleb were in town and it was good to see them! 

Mother's Day 2017! Addison bought me a cookie - it was delicious. I even shared a tiny bite with her. We had to celebrate Mother's Day later, I had to go into work that afternoon. 

This was actually the day before Mother's Day. I ran a relay race with Kelly. I had two legs that totaled around 8.5 miles....Kelly had 3 legs that totaled around 16 miles. We started in Jefferson at 5:45am and ended in downtown DSM. It was a fun day, minus the running part. Haha just kidding! It was a really fun group of girls. The running wasn't so bad but it was SO HOT. I ran from Adel to Waukee at 4pm with the sun beating down and the only shade was from the power lines :) I still have the tan lines in the middle of my calves from my capris. I would do it again, and hopefully I would have more time to train! I was pretty proud of myself, I thought I did pretty good on the training this time. But with class two nights a week and working some nights and weekends it was tough. 

So the running group stayed in Ames and laughed at how many containers of cool whip Rita has. I listed off the many uses of cool whip and they thought that was humorous. I even had Ryan count ours, we had 16. I told the girls when that stuff goes on sale, you gotta buy it! Later that week, I came downstairs to find Ryan eating it with a spoon. So I had to take a picture and send it to the group! 

Just taking a ride on the John Deere....She hasn't figured out how to go forward yet, only reverse. 

We were trying our swimming suit on before our trip to CA! 

Playing with her noisy sports game. The basketball hoop has some give so she likes to pull it down. 

She's the only one who has a chair to sit in in the basement. 

Being that it was over a month ago, I don't remember why I took this photo. But she sure is happy! 

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