Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Let's go to the basement!

Addison LOVES to go downstairs to the basement. She is standing at the door begging to go downstairs to play. We have let her go down by herself sometimes and it doesn't bother her that we stay upstairs. 

Vvroom!! She loves being pushed on the little blue truck. I can't wait until I can tell her "put your feet up" and send her flying across the room like we used to do with Makena. She's just working on holding on right now!

This is a goofy smile, but she got this blow-up horse from Lauren, Jason, and Caleb for her bday and she loves to bounce on it. She REALLY likes it when you make her bounce high on it. Ryan was bouncing her the other day and she was flying off the horse! 

And last, she loves her little Mercedes Benz. It has a horn louder than my car. And it also plays other songs, which she loves. Ryan was impressed with how well made the car is. Guess that's what you get when you purchase a Mercedes Benz :)

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