Friday, July 28, 2017

The last of the Lents Weekend photos

Found more photos of the Lents Weekend on Ryan's phone. We took this one at the I-Cubs for Brayden. If only we got to see Kris Bryant in person! 

Obviously enjoying the swing! 

haha I get this look a lot from Nolan....I think he thinks I'm a little crazy. 

 Addison also likes the slide - she has started going down smaller slides by herself.

Love this one! 

I had to go to work this day so this was an update photo Ryan sent me. 

It was a good weekend, we like it when Brad, Lori & Nolan visit! We can't wait to meet our new little nephew/cousin soon! 

Monday, July 24, 2017

The Lents Family Weekend Continued

Nolan loved the lawn mower and other tractors at Grandpa Dale and Grandma Evonne's farm! 

Addison is chasing Nolan in the tunnel. Nolan has the Mercedes Benz so he might get away quicker! 

I unfortunately had to go into work and handle an "emergency" situation, so the rest of the family went to the Botanical Center. Apparently the kids got a kick out of this waterfall. 

Addison is showing Nolan one of her favorite spots in the living room. She loves to walk behind the ottoman. She takes her toys back there to play a lot too. There is an air vent back there....she loves to feel the wind in her hair :) 

"Okay, you better push me as fast as my dad does"

I had to go into work this day too, so I'm not sure how this situation ended.....haha! 

Thursday, July 20, 2017

The Lents Weekend

Grandpa Dale, Grandma Evonne, Addison & Nolan at the I-Cubs game. 

We had a really nice Lents family get together at the Macksburg church. These are all the Lents great-grandchildren that were present - From left to right: Remson, Nolan, Addison, Ally (in the back), Veronica holding Kenny, and Travis. I'm so impressed they all sat still! We were missing Ethan, Gavin, and Boyden. 

Kenny & Addison - Kenny is 6 months older than Addison. He has 3 older siblings and he tried his hardest to keep up with them running around that park! 

We gained Boyden so we took another photo - Addison, Ally, Remsen, Veronica holding Boyden, Travis, Kenny and Nolan! 

Lents children/grandchildren with Grandpa Don

Wanted to take an immediate family photo - pretty sure this is the first one since Addison was born! And next year when Brad & Lori have a little one, we will have to take another one! 

We love Aunt Cathy!! 

Children in the corn :) I have more photos, we will save those for next time! 

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

A few more videos

Again, I'm little behind - this video was from the weekend in May where she started walking across the room. We were mostly happy and a little sad.....only because I knew how much harder life would be with a walker!! It's been two months now and I just said to Ryan last night "Do you feel like all we say is 'no'? 'No shut the door, no don't touch that, no put that back', etc" haha! 

Love this one - I was in class again and Ryan & Addison played peek-a-boo. She loves watching herself in this one! 

Well don't mind the video from bed, and a kid with insane hair. I ended up with a stomach bug after vacation and we didn't have daycare the same day. Ryan left for work and said "good luck!" - ha! It was a rough day. But I was trying to caption Addison's first real word - "ball". It was so funny how she said it! I don't think Addison got dressed all day....... and I had to go to my last night of class that night! 

Monday, July 17, 2017

Do a Little Dance

Here is the video from Addison's birthday. She was doing the one-arm dance to her Justin Beaver. And yes, she is sitting on the island counter at Grandma Rita's :)

And another dancing video...don't mind the outfit, had a little blow-out that day. I could watch her dance all day long! 

And in case you didn't get enough, here is another one. I like how she stops for a second when she sees my phone, but decides to keep going anyways! She never gets tired of these toys. "I want candy" and "Lollipop" are playing as I type this! 

And this is her Red Panda video. I posted about her balancing cups on her feet a few weeks ago. Here is the video of her doing it. We thought she was funny. We might be the only ones....

Thursday, July 13, 2017

First Baseball Game

Ryan's mom's company had an I-Cubs night with a picnic and tickets to the game. It worked out perfect because Ryan's brother's family got into town that afternoon! In the photo above, Addison was trying to drag her backpack around the picnic area. 

Took this photo for a guy in my group at school. He's a big cubbies fan and is a project manager at Principal - thought it was perfect! 

I think Lori has a better one of Dale, Evonne, Nolan and Addison, but this was the best I had. 

First family baseball game. Figured we should try out Des Moines before Chicago. And it turned out to be a good idea......

Addison chose seat #17, mainly because it was in between me and Ryan, but we sent it to Brayden as it's his guy's number (Kris Bryant). Even though her smile is goofy. So we made it through about 3 batters before we had to get up and go run around the picnic area. We thought she would be more entertained by the people around her but nope. Didn't care at all! Ha! 

I will have to post more photos of the family weekend, apparently I didn't take any! So I have to hunt some down :) 

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Got an owie

Well as with any kid just walking, Addison fell down a lot. She actually fell and hit her nose on the coffee table at daycare. It's hard to see but her nose was bruised on the right hand side. I had just gotten home from class and Ryan kept her up for me, that's why she looks a little out of it!

I think we could do a scrapbook just of Addison's crazy hair days :) 

This was the gift daycare did for Ryan - I wish I had done pick up that day and I could have claimed it! Our daycare said that Addison was loving squishing the paint in her hand that it was hard to put her hands down! 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Let's go to the basement!

Addison LOVES to go downstairs to the basement. She is standing at the door begging to go downstairs to play. We have let her go down by herself sometimes and it doesn't bother her that we stay upstairs. 

Vvroom!! She loves being pushed on the little blue truck. I can't wait until I can tell her "put your feet up" and send her flying across the room like we used to do with Makena. She's just working on holding on right now!

This is a goofy smile, but she got this blow-up horse from Lauren, Jason, and Caleb for her bday and she loves to bounce on it. She REALLY likes it when you make her bounce high on it. Ryan was bouncing her the other day and she was flying off the horse! 

And last, she loves her little Mercedes Benz. It has a horn louder than my car. And it also plays other songs, which she loves. Ryan was impressed with how well made the car is. Guess that's what you get when you purchase a Mercedes Benz :)

Thursday, July 6, 2017

You like crushed chips, right?

One of Addison's most favorite places to play, the pantry! Where the chips are at her level. We are pretty sure she has a 6th sense when the door isn't completely shut, she comes running. She has smashed a few bags of chips :) 

Again, a crazy hair day! 

She is facinated by shoes and likes to try to put them on. Then she carries my shoes around the house. 

We finally said if you aren't going to drink out of a sippy cup, you need to hold your own bottle! 

We went to Hickory Park one day, I asked for a few pickles for Addison and they brought her a side dish of pickles! She did eat a little chicken too, but mostly pickles.

And a happy girl in her goofy hat. We bought this hat at a garage sale before we went to CA. She wouldn't keep it on very long, but at .50 it wasn't a big deal!