Tuesday, January 10, 2017

8 months old!

Addison was helping me clean one day. She was helping me fold laundry and was in heaven with burp rags, wash clothes, and dish rags. Girl loves rags. She wouldn't let me fold any from her pile.

Then I was dusting my dresser and she was looking at the pictures of my dogs. She even gave them a kiss (meaning she licked it). And I had to clean the frame again. So I told her some stories of Chip and Scooter. Told her they weren't nearly as crazy as our current dogs :) 

Our crazy girl was 8 months old on Dec. 22! She weighs 18 pounds! 

This picture makes me laugh. She always looks at Gwen like she hasn't seen her before.

Yes that is how she often times holds the pacifier in her mouth :) She loves to chew on it more than actually sucks on it.

At 8 months old, Addison is starting to crawl better (looks like the worm). She likes her baby food - carrots, peas, peaches, butternut squash, bananas, green beans, nothing she doesn't like so far! She didn't like peas at first, but tried them again and she gobbled them up! She's not a big eater though, we tell her it's time to eat more than she tells us. She typically eats every three hours, but she is fine if she goes 4 or 5. Not much phases her!

She has been sleeping so much better starting about Thanksgiving. Going to bed at 9:30am and getting up between 5:30-7am. She is able to put herself to sleep. And find her own burp rag to cuddle with or pacifier in the middle of the night. We do still get up sometimes though.

She loves the ball machine from the Skjeveland kids. Also loves the musical dancing stuffed animal things that Grandma Rita buys. She still loves the exersaucer. And gets so excited when Mom and Dad walk into the room and cries if we walk away.

Oh yes, and she still doesn't like socks and has crazy hair. Boy do we love this kid :)

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