Thursday, January 12, 2017

Up On The Housetop.....

We LOVE Christmas music in our house. It was played A LOT. It's Jan. 12 as I write this and I sang Addison Christmas songs last night. Never. Gets. Old. 
Up on the Housetop was one of our favorites this year. 

Before we headed to Ames on Christmas Eve, we opened a few gifts at home. 

Addison is totally into unwrapping. 

Yea not so much. These gifts were put in her lap and her hand forced to grab the paper. HA! Didn't care one bit. She liked that little brown box behind her in the picture. She couldn't have cared less about unwrapping gifts. She just liked to toss the boxes around instead. 

Grandpa Ron and Grandma Rita bought Addison a walker for their house. It took her a while to figure it out. At first, the walker only went in reverse. Then Addison figured out how to shift gears and move forward. She likes it because her reach is beyond the walker. So if she gets up to something, she can reach out to touch it. She got used to it quick and now buzzes around the house pretty fast! If only Grandma would get rid of the rugs......

Cousin Makena was getting a LoveSak for her birthday. Addison tested it for her. These pictures crack me up! Not sure it will be on Addison's wish list any time as she looks scared of it :)

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