Friday, January 6, 2017

Sick baby....again...

Got the call from daycare on Monday Dec. 21.....Addison had a fever of 101.9. Yikes. 

Poor kiddo.....she was miserable! 

Later the next day she was fighting for my phone or the I thought she was feeling better. 

Then she started playing with presents. But she fooled me....fever spiked high again. She felt good for a couple hours but then down for the count again.

We took a bath each day, hoping it would make her feel better. She just wasn't herself! I had a couple papers due for class but even with her sleeping a ton, I still couldn't get any work done. She would wake up within 2 minutes of me setting her down. So I tried to forget about all the things I needed to do (school, clean, work, Christmas shopping) and just relax and cuddle my kiddo.

The third day the fever broke and she started to be a little more herself. Love this outfit :) 

So we went into town to run a few errands. She was sleeping as we went into TJ's and then woke up. She kept pulling on her cover because she couldn't see out to see if there was anything she needed :) 

I told her that cool kids hang out in the tub with their clothes on...haha! After two times of giving her Tylenol and her throwing up right away, I learned my lesson and started giving Tylenol while in the tub. Needless to say, she kept it down every time after that. :) 

She was able to go back to daycare for one day, then daycare was closed for Christmas. She was feeling pretty good at Christmas but still not quite back to normal. 

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