Tuesday, January 31, 2017

It's an Uphill Climb.....

These photos were taken a few weeks ago. This girl loves to climb. She no longer cares if there are any toys around, as long as you sit on the floor. 

She likes to put toys on one side of you, then climb over to get them. Or she just climbs all over you in general. Ryan will sit on the floor all night and she just goes back and forth :)

Sometimes she's a little top heavy and falls over. 

She really gets her exercise when she does this. It takes her a while and a lot of effort!

One of the pictures I received from Ryan in class one night. That toy she's chewing on is something her and my mom bought at Walmart. I think it was 50 cents. It's got the head of this scary Avengers guy (I only know that because the package said so, I don't know what an Avenger is, haha) and when you hold the button something inside spins and lights up. It always catches her attention. 

Also, you might think I just got done vacuuming with the vacuum in the picture. I'm going to let you think that I clean my house regularly and it didn't sit in that spot for 3 weeks. :) 

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