Friday, January 13, 2017

Merry Merry Christmas!

Lots of similar pictures :) 

Loves to play with presents! 

The puppy dog in the picture was pretty funny. It's motion activated and barks. He kept barking at Addison but he doesn't move. She kept looking around like "where is that noise coming from"

She was more interested in chewing on packages than opening! 

One of our few family photos

The Skjevelands wanted a family photo so I thought I would include theirs too. 

Grandma Rita & Grandpa Ron with their grandkids! Brayden (5), Conner (9), Parker (8), Addison (8 months) and Makena (10 in this picture, 11 the next day)

Addison was actually into these presents. Or playing with the box at least. She did figure out that the paper made noise, so she was more interested in it then.

She was a busy little bee playing with all the paper and boxes! 

Aunt Kelly took this picture and I love it. Captures her personality perfectly. What a goofball! 

It was a good 1st Christmas! 

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