Friday, July 29, 2016

Week 9

When looking back at the pictures from week 9, apparently not much happened! But the week started off with Father's Day. The picture below pretty much sums up Father's Day at the Lents' house :)

We were actually at Grandpa Ron & Grandma Rita's Ames house to start Father's Day. Landon, Nicole & Brayden were there too. We had lunch from Hickory Park, so already a pretty good day for Ryan. 

Addison bought Dad some books to read her. Ryan told us his favorite book as a child was "No More TV Sleepy Dog". I find it ironic his favorite book has a dog as a main character :) Addison loves it because she loves dogs :) We also bought "If You Give a Moose a Muffin" as he mentioned he liked that book as well. 

Addison also said she HAD to give Dad one of his favorite desserts - French Silk Pie. He was pretty excited. It was delicious! You can see in those pictures but Addison is wearing a onesie that says "Daddy's Little Sweetheart". Fitting for Father's Day. Even though it was Makena's she wore on Valentine's Day. I called Addison Makena a few times after she wore that outfit. I have a picture I love of Makena wearing that shirt! 

9 weeks! Typically we only have Gwen in the month shots, but Addison only agreed to take the picture if Gwen was in it :) 

"Why Mom, Why?"

Looking cool and Loving America

Oh this picture makes me laugh. I put the sparkle shades on her when we got in the car to go to Ankeny. She fell asleep in the car. When we got to Target, I didn't want to take them off for fear I would wake her. So we cruised around Target with her looking like this and people stared. I was laughing outloud by myself as I felt like I was shopping with "Bernie" from Weekend at Bernie's. haha! I also laughed how this outfit has a collar that looks like a neck brace. 

Caught myself a little smile! Loved this outfit too. Can't wait to sign her up for dance glasses. Her dad says no though........

The green bumbo doesn't match her outfit so I covered it. Yes we had time to play this day. I probably should have been working on my class projects, but posing Addison was way more fun! 

One of my favorites!! She is actually looking at me but I couldn't have the phone directly in front of me because she see my phone and instantly the blank stare comes over her face. I just love that smile!! I need to find a picture that shows that dimple :) 

Clearly the most exciting thing that happened in  week 9 was that her new shades came in the mail. That was pretty exciting. You will see them later, don't worry. She actually likes the stars better than the sparkle ones. :) 

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Week 8

I'm slowing catching up! Now onto week 8. She was changing so much at this time! We found girl jammies (see below) in Makena's tub of clothes. Addison doesn't mind being dressed as a boy. I answered the door one day when she had boy jammies on. The lady said "oh what a cute little boy!" Yup :) haha. Last night she had blue jammies on with a car on them, and Ryan kept singing the "Napa Know-How" song to her because he thought she should work at Napa. 

It's Bumbo Time!! At week 8 I got the bumbo out to see if she could sit. She did really good! Well, by "good" I mean a lot better than I expected. When we do bumbo time, Ryan likes to say to her "look at dumbo in the bumbo" Don't worry, Addison, I slap him when he says that! 

She looks so bald in this pictures!! She really does have hair :) 

Celebrating 2 months! 
What we did not celebrate was the 2 months shots :( She got two shots in one leg, one shot in the other, and took one orally. Oh boy did she cry. We had never seen her face so red or heard her scream so loud. But the nurse was super quick. Oh the big tears. It made me tear up to see those big tears. I told Ryan the only good thing was that she never really had tears so then I knew her tear ducts worked! Here are her stats from her appointment:
Height: 23 1/4 inches
Weight: 11.5 pounds
Circumference of Head: 87th percentile
Weight: 38th percentile
Length: 50th percentile

We don't think she has a big head at all so we think the nurse measured wrong :) ha! Everything went well at the appointment. The doctor was impressed with how strong her legs are and how she likes to "stand". Ryan has her stand on his lap a lot and she enjoys it. Doctor said the shape of her head was looking good. She likes to turn to the right, so we have been working with her to get her to look left. All in all it was a good appointment! She did not get a fever and really wasn't too fussy after the shots. Ryan kept telling her that she's strong and tough, I think that helped :) 

You can see some 2 month stats on her sign in the picture. The kid is really pretty happy, I couldn't think of much for dislikes. Maybe I could have said "When the food doesn't come fast enough". She screams the whole way down the stairs and while I make the bottle in the middle of the night......

Comparing her to Gwen! 

Alright so I just said she's a happy baby......then I saw this picture. Yup she was pretty mad this afternoon!! I can't remember why she is only wearing a white t-shirt, but I think this was the day we went through two outfits with blow-outs and I gave up. I hate it when she's mad or upset, but that lower lip is so stinking cute! Sometimes I laugh when it comes out then I feel bad. But it's adorable. We still weren't really seeing tears at this point when she cried. Except after the shots! 

Ahh The Unicorn Song. We love the Unicorn Song. I sing it to her a lot. See look, it calmed her down :) HA! This day we sang for about an hour. She calmed down before then, but I kept finding Taylor songs or N'Sync or Kenny songs I wanted to sing. I told Ryan I think my singing sometimes helps calm her down because she had to listen to me sing for about 1.5 hours every day driving back and forth to work! 

It's wedding time! Saturday June 18 was the day Addison attended her first wedding. My cousin Scott married Kaitlyn (who we love, good choice Scott!). Kaitlyn attended our wedding and met the family for the first time. And of all the people at our wedding, both Ryan and I spent some time, individually, talking to Kaitlyn. The next day I said to Ryan, "I talked to Scott's girlfriend quite a bit, I really like her" and Ryan said "Me too! I talked to her alot too".  We just laughed because normally the bride and groom are busy most people don't get to talk to them. Apparently we knew Kaitlyn was going to be cool so we had to make time to talk to her :) 

Erin & Brandon with Addison. Addison got hungry during the ceremony and Ryan and I were desperately trying to find somewhere to change and feed her. There was seriously no other rooms in the church. Just the entry way and the sanctuary. So we went across the street to the school! 

 Sleepy baby at the reception. 

Addison with her Great-Great-Aunt Maxine and Great-Great-Uncle Paul. Maxine was my Grandpa Julius' sister. Addison was pretty warm in her dress so unfortunately she's fussy in this picture. But I still like it! It was great to see Paul & Maxine. 

Addison was a little happier here :) 

Family picture! 

Got a good picture in her cute little dress before we changed her a onesie and let her kick freely. She gets tired of being held all the time and she was pretty warm. 

Just the boys - everyone in a different shade of blue

Two cool guys. I think right after this, Grandpa Ron had to time Brayden running to a light pole and back. Unfortunately Brayden got the Julius speed (or lack there of). But the important part is that he thinks he's super fast. He no longer runs with a chicken wing sticking out either. That was pretty cute though. 

We laid her on a couch in the lobby of the hotel and let her play. We got tons and tons of smiles that day!! Great big smiles, where we could see her one dimple. Can't catch the one big dimple on camera very well. It was so fun to see all those smiles! It was happy event to be smiling about :) Congrats Scott and Kaitlyn!! 
(By the way Addison, I know this won't surprise you but your dad ate 3 cupcakes at the wedding.....and brought one home! He loves some cake :) ) 

Friday, July 22, 2016

Week 7 - Weekend with the Lents'

Week 7! At this point I was depressed that maternity leave was over half over. Couldn't believe it and it didn't make me happy. But I kept telling myself to make the most out of the rest of the time! So we went and got our pictures taken in a big fluffy dress at Target :) Ha! I loved the big fluffy dress and Addison didn't seem to mind. I considered this our 4th of July pictures :) We love America around here.

This post is full of pictures! I'm not sure why I feel like I need to include so many pictures of her when I will be making Shutterfly scrapbooks.

We snuggled after a bath. Sometimes we are happy after the bath but sometimes we are mad. This day we were happy :)
We got to see Lacey, Wes, & Winston! They were in town for a wedding, it was great to see them. Wes brought us the tiniest bottle of hot sauce you would ever see. Ridiculously small. Little did he know that we had purchased the largest bottle of hot sauce ever for his wedding two weeks later :) ha!
Winston & Henry both wanted to snack on those tiny toes :)

Addison's first walk to Casey's to pick up donuts.

USA!! This was one of our favorite outfits. Our sister-in-law Lori's mom, Becky sent it to her. Becky said she couldn't resist the ruffles. We love the ruffles! She's actually wearing this outfit as I write this entry, ha!
Brothers with their kids.

So we went to this Gadget tradeshow. We thought it might be interesting. It was pathetic. This was the best booth. I can't remember the names of the little creatures, "sugar" something. Little chipmunk looking things that could "fly". Nolan was enthralled.

We hung out with the Lents family that night at Ryan's cousin Erica's house. We saw this sign that says "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit". We laughed as we heard our nephew Brayden tell Landon this when Landon was arguing with him about breakfast one morning. Brayden said it so adult-like and straight-faced. Ryan and I still crack up about it! That kid is funny.

Brad, Lori, & Nolan were visiting from San Diego. Nolan was okay with Addison, as long as Brad and Lori were at least 10 feet away from her......

Yup this is what happened if Brad or Lori held her! It was too funny. Even if they touched her you could see his face change. Kid just loves his mom and dad!!
Ryan and Addison. Just a hint of a small smile.

Ryan's dad Dale, Grandma Marie, Ryan, and Grandpa Don

Grandma Evonne, Nolan, Grandpa Dale, and Addison

Nolan liked riding Addison's bunny. He LOVED her swing, but I don't have any pictures of that. He would do a belly flop into the swing and swing real fast. And sometimes he would surf on his knees. It was quite entertaining!
We went to the Iowa Hall of Pride exhibit and found some arcade games. Here is a picture of Ryan with the football game. Wish we had a picture of the scoreboard from our basketball game. I schooled Ryan. He was surprised. I'm not sure why, I'm pretty good.

This kid couldn't have cared less about the footballs. Or the games. He was in a daze watching his mom and dad play the Dance Dance Revolution game.
Addison's first picture with Fred.

Veronica was excited to hold Addison. She had come to visit a couple weeks before but was excited to hold her again. While we were chatting she says to me "My mom and Ally would be so jealous if they knew I was holding her". Ha!

Lori & Addison at lunch

First family picture after the hospital! We visited Grandpa Dale & Grandma Evonne's farm. Nolan got to ride in a tractor and was pretty happy. It was a pretty good weekend with the Lents family. We will see Brad, Lori & Nolan at Christmas and the kids will have changed so much!