Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Getting Stuff Done!

Our church is reading "The Whole Holy Bible in a Year" and they have a kids study guide to go along with it. Addison got a new Bible in her Easter Basket from Grandma Rita, so we have been working on her study guide. 

A picture of the cool sky we sent to Grandpa Ron! 

We went to Hobby Lobby to look at birthday decor for Addison's party and they wanted to buy these crazy hats :) 

Hair cut time! 

This girl LOVES to get her hair cut. Though she wants to cut it short like Grandma Rita's..... and both Grandma and I say no! At this time, I used the excuse that she needs long hair to but her hair in a donut bun for dance :) 

And Ryan's project! I had a vision, looked on Pintrest and Etsy.... and thought "I think we can do this" - ha! So we made some boards to hang up the kids' projects. I think they look pretty good! 

And Mason helping me make cut out cookies! Addison helped too, but I guess I didn't get a picture of her :) They LOVE to help me bake. And they are really good dough/frosting tasters..... 

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