Monday, December 25, 2023

Animal Learning Day

We went to the Block & Bridle Animal Learning Day at the Hansen Ag Center last April (no Christmas post, I'm too far behind!). They made "pig feed". It was cheerios, m&m's, goldfish and granola I think. They were excited to make their own snacks. 

Mason's favorite part.... the equipment! 

We got her to pet a dog! 

Clearly isn't as scared as his sister! I love the dogs at this event :) 

Learned about some calves.... 

And dairy cows! I couldn't believe she petted it, it took a little convincing but not that much. She wouldn't hold a candle at church last night, but she pets a huge dairy cow. Ha! 

Mason got in there to try to milk the cow.... Addison did not :) The students at this event are great! 

But Addison did pet multiple cows! 

Someone asked if she wanted to be a vet when she grows up, she said yes. We laughed. Ha! 

We had to get in line for the equipment again! You can beep the horn too. It's a hit! 

No real chickens due to the bird flu, but they got to pretend to feed the chickens. And we learned there is no difference between the brown and white eggs besides color. Ha! 

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