Sunday, December 31, 2023

Birthday Party with the Julius' - post #2

Love this picture! Birthday crown and everything. 

Celebrating the 3 little kids birthdays at the same time! Mason turns 3, Nolan turned 4, and Addison turned 7. 

Since Conner wasn't there, Ryan cut out a middle piece of the cookie in honor of him. 

Happy little boy! 

Check out those blue tongues! 

Addy and Nolan playing with her new toy. I had one of these when I was little, I was pretty excited too. 

He's so excited! Nolan was excited for Mason too. 

The kids wanted to play the wii so we packed it and took it to Ames. It was fun! 

Addison had to use her new tray for her tray and supper. She loves this tray! She now uses it for her projects, crafts, legos, snacks, etc. 

They had a good party with the Julius family! 

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