Thursday, December 28, 2023

A week at home, softball, and hail

So the end of April we took a week off Mason's daycare to use his vacation time. So he spent a week home with me..... Lol. I tried to work as best I could. This is one he did during one of my meetings.... Ha! 

Sent this picture to Grandpa Ron. We had some hail. Ugh. Thankfully it was quite small. Only good thing I guess about hail is that it's something else the kids can experience. 

My little softball player!! Oh man. It was our first year of kid pitch/coach pitch. We go from T-ball to kid pitch. Big jump! 

She was pretty little out there, but she did her best! 

Mason watching the house behind us getting sod. That took about 20 minutes of our day. ha! 

This was fun..... Mason did hot wheels races on the roller coaster. I was impressed with his creativity. Then he got the magic tracks cars and raced them on the roller coaster. That took half of his day while I worked. 

Farm work kept him busy one day. 

Addison got all dressed up and watched me to take my picture. She wore her picture boots, curls, big bow. 


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