Thursday, December 14, 2023

Easter Bunny & Church

Addison at church service on Palm Sunday. She was carrying a palm leaf and walked through the church. She thought it was pretty cool and so did Mason! 

This was them practicing to see the Easter Bunny - Look at those big eyes! 

Sometimes we get good pictures! This one is so cute! 

 Seeing the bunny at Bass Pro. Next year, I know to make them sit on the other side of the bunny. Ha! 

We had a Jesus Party at church Easter Saturday. We did lots of cheering and the kids had fun! And yes, this is how the kids dressed for Easter..... it was a nice day and we had been playing outside. I think we even had softball practice before church. Ha! 

Mason got cheeseballs in his Easter basket from Grandma Rita...... ha! He was a MESS. :) 

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