Friday, December 8, 2023

Easter and mohawks

Addison with her pretty Easter dress for school, and Mason just wants to join the picture. Kid loves hoods. If his shirt has a hood, it's up all the time! 

This time they both had bunny shirts :) I love holiday clothing. As it's Christmas now, I have so many Christmas shirts for Mason he could probably wear a different one each day. Not Addy though, she is lacking on the Christmas clothes right now! :( 

This was the night we did Palms at Hope Families and learned about Jesus's walk. 

I told Mason he's too little to go down that big slide (yea right)

We sent this one to Aunt Tracey..... this kid LOVED wearing all black last spring. He would always pick out black clothes. He's liking a little more color these days. 

All he wanted was a mohawk like Nolan's :) I don't think his hair will stick in a mohawk, otherwise I would probably do it! The way he said "mohawk" like "mo-hach" was so funny! I can't post videos on here anymore due to creepy strangers watching my youtube videos, otherwise I would post it! 

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