Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Easter bunnies and Egg Hunts

He's got a lot corralled in his fence.... animals, trucks, trailers, a school bus, etc. 

Working on his construction Magnatiles. 

These Scribbie Scrubbie pets were a great gift (from Erin & Reagan), the kids love coloring the pets and giving them a shower! 

The Huxley Parks & Rec had their Easter event again this year. We were excited to see the bunnies again! 

The kids did not want to hold the bunnies because last year one of them pooped on someone. Ha! But they both liked petting them. They are so soft, it's unreal! 

Then they did an Easter Egg Hunt. 

And sat next to the creepy Easter Bunny who just sat on the floor. Ha! 

Out of all the goodies, Addison chose the carrots! 

Then we drove to the next Easter Egg Hunt! IT WAS COLD. Brrr.... 

Mason filled his bucket and said "I'm ready to go" and we went back to the car! It was cold, but Addison toughed it out! 

She was ready to go! It was a good hunt. The library always gives out books and my kiddos love that. Mason even got a farm book this year! 

Going through all the loot! They were sorting their candy. They always share some Reese's, Kit Kats, Twix, and Snickers with Grandpa Ron :) 


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