Sunday, December 31, 2023

Birthday Party with the Julius' - post #2

Love this picture! Birthday crown and everything. 

Celebrating the 3 little kids birthdays at the same time! Mason turns 3, Nolan turned 4, and Addison turned 7. 

Since Conner wasn't there, Ryan cut out a middle piece of the cookie in honor of him. 

Happy little boy! 

Check out those blue tongues! 

Addy and Nolan playing with her new toy. I had one of these when I was little, I was pretty excited too. 

He's so excited! Nolan was excited for Mason too. 

The kids wanted to play the wii so we packed it and took it to Ames. It was fun! 

Addison had to use her new tray for her tray and supper. She loves this tray! She now uses it for her projects, crafts, legos, snacks, etc. 

They had a good party with the Julius family! 

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Birthday kids!

The kids are ready for their birthday party! 

 Birthday cakes! Addison has a spaced theme room at the Indoor Playground so she wanted everything space themed. I had told her for a full year that I was not going to buy her a cake because then she wouldn't turn 7. As her birthday got closer, I think she started to believe me and get really worried. So when I showed her this cake, she was quite happy and relieved. Ha! 

Mason had a farm themed cookie cake per usual. They turned out super cute! 

Birthday kids with Grandma & Grandpa! 

And then with Mom & Dad

She was quite excited to get some REAL pom poms, just like the cheerleaders! 

Addy was excited for legos and Mason was SO EXCITED for the grain bin with a real auger! 

Got more fencing and farm animals. 

A pile of presents! 

Mason got a new bike from Nolan & Brayden! And a paw patrol one, even better. 

A princess jammie dress! She was so excited. 

Friday, December 29, 2023

Addy's 7th birthday - post #1

Look how cute he is!! 

Addy's birthday pile! The start of the birthday fun! It was a cold day, her softball game got canceled that morning. So we stay home, got donuts, and opened some gifts. 

Had to measure the kids..... I can't remember now how much they grew but I know Mason grew 3 inches in one year and Addy grew 2 inches in one year (October to October). 

She fits in the fuzzy box Grandma Rita gave her for her Easter basket. Ha! 

Thursday, December 28, 2023

A week at home, softball, and hail

So the end of April we took a week off Mason's daycare to use his vacation time. So he spent a week home with me..... Lol. I tried to work as best I could. This is one he did during one of my meetings.... Ha! 

Sent this picture to Grandpa Ron. We had some hail. Ugh. Thankfully it was quite small. Only good thing I guess about hail is that it's something else the kids can experience. 

My little softball player!! Oh man. It was our first year of kid pitch/coach pitch. We go from T-ball to kid pitch. Big jump! 

She was pretty little out there, but she did her best! 

Mason watching the house behind us getting sod. That took about 20 minutes of our day. ha! 

This was fun..... Mason did hot wheels races on the roller coaster. I was impressed with his creativity. Then he got the magic tracks cars and raced them on the roller coaster. That took half of his day while I worked. 

Farm work kept him busy one day. 

Addison got all dressed up and watched me to take my picture. She wore her picture boots, curls, big bow. 


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Getting Stuff Done!

Our church is reading "The Whole Holy Bible in a Year" and they have a kids study guide to go along with it. Addison got a new Bible in her Easter Basket from Grandma Rita, so we have been working on her study guide. 

A picture of the cool sky we sent to Grandpa Ron! 

We went to Hobby Lobby to look at birthday decor for Addison's party and they wanted to buy these crazy hats :) 

Hair cut time! 

This girl LOVES to get her hair cut. Though she wants to cut it short like Grandma Rita's..... and both Grandma and I say no! At this time, I used the excuse that she needs long hair to but her hair in a donut bun for dance :) 

And Ryan's project! I had a vision, looked on Pintrest and Etsy.... and thought "I think we can do this" - ha! So we made some boards to hang up the kids' projects. I think they look pretty good! 

And Mason helping me make cut out cookies! Addison helped too, but I guess I didn't get a picture of her :) They LOVE to help me bake. And they are really good dough/frosting tasters..... 

Monday, December 25, 2023

Animal Learning Day

We went to the Block & Bridle Animal Learning Day at the Hansen Ag Center last April (no Christmas post, I'm too far behind!). They made "pig feed". It was cheerios, m&m's, goldfish and granola I think. They were excited to make their own snacks. 

Mason's favorite part.... the equipment! 

We got her to pet a dog! 

Clearly isn't as scared as his sister! I love the dogs at this event :) 

Learned about some calves.... 

And dairy cows! I couldn't believe she petted it, it took a little convincing but not that much. She wouldn't hold a candle at church last night, but she pets a huge dairy cow. Ha! 

Mason got in there to try to milk the cow.... Addison did not :) The students at this event are great! 

But Addison did pet multiple cows! 

Someone asked if she wanted to be a vet when she grows up, she said yes. We laughed. Ha! 

We had to get in line for the equipment again! You can beep the horn too. It's a hit! 

No real chickens due to the bird flu, but they got to pretend to feed the chickens. And we learned there is no difference between the brown and white eggs besides color. Ha!